Let’s eat Roscón ~ Three Kings are coming today!
Every year, January 6th is El Dia de Reyes (Three Kings’ Day) in Spain. These three wise men bring gifts and joy to us on this day. Also there’s a custom to eat Roscón de Reyes.
It’s a ring shaped sweet bread with sugar and sugar-preserved fruits on top. A lot of times, these sweet breads are sliced side-way and have some fillings in between two pieces. They have various types of fillings:
- Nata (white whipped cream)
- Trufa (whipped cream with truffles)
- Crema (custard cream)
- Cabello de Angel (transparent shredded Siam pumpkin jam)etc….
Of course there’s a plain one with no filling, too. We bought the one with Nata and Trufa, half and half. Yummy! Come to think of it… is this the first whole Roscón de Ryes we bought? Yes, it is! Normally, we eat it on the Three Kings’ Day with our family and take home a little piece… This year we have a whole thing to us (just two of us)… this could be dangerous 😅
Let’s go see “Cabalgata”
In the evening, we went to see the Cabalgata (parade) near our apartment with our family.
One of the three wise men、Balthazar is our favorite. He throws candies very well and very far 😆
We are in Sevilla after all! Arco de La Macarena (Macarena arch)also appeared as one of the floats 😆
Normally we watch this parade in Triana district and afterwards we end up having a fiesta (singing and dancing) BUT this year, because of Corona, we stayed in Macarena district and we went home very early…. We can’t complain because we didn’t even have a parade last year in 2021.
Can’t wait to eat Roscón! 😅
Once we got home, mi Javi was anxious to eat Roscón. He even volunteered to cut a piece (and that’s unheard of….. 😂)

As he was cutting, we heard a crinkling noise and the knife got stuck…… Hm….

What? Already? Did you hit it? Which one of “two objects” did he get?!

✨It was a Mago (wise man) and it’s known to be a lucky charm!!! The other object is Haba (broad bean). It’s said that IF you get the haba, you have to buy the Roscón (next time 😅).

This morning….. we ate Roscón for breakfast and guess what? I got the bean 😳 in my piece! Bueno, no para nada (Well, never mind)! Let’s just go and see what three wise men have brought to everyone. Also we are going to see another Cabalgata. It’s known as Triana’s Cabalgata and we like it better than Sevilla’s… Things get so exciting there!
Our holiday season is about to come to an end… let’s enjoy until the very very end 🥰

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