Spain Mallorca Island Trip Day 3 : ⛰ 🌊 ⛪Three-in-One-Day Model Itinerary ✨
Day 3 . We were off to see what more Mallorca has to offer! Our first destination was a town of Sóller, which is about one hour from Alcúdia Bay wher...
Day 3 . We were off to see what more Mallorca has to offer! Our first destination was a town of Sóller, which is about one hour from Alcúdia Bay wher...
第3日目は朝から気合い 💪🏽 マジョルカ 満喫 1日コース 始まり始まり〜 若者ナビちゃん、本日はリサーチも準備もバッチリだそう。 まずはSoller (ソジェール) の街に向かいます。 滞在先のアルクディア湾周辺からは約1時間。 Sierra de Tramontana(トラモンタナ山脈)を横切っ...